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Learning how to talk

Started by Romanian_Dude2005, May 05, 2006, 06:44:02 PM

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Singura chestie din RAI care CHIAR imi place sunt discutiile intre NPCuri. Aici puteti sa postati cele mai haioase dintre ele

La arcane university din Imperial City

Mage #1: Grandmaster I have something of upmost importance to tell you
Grandmaster: Go ahead
Mage #1: Bye

In Skingrad, un altmer si un guard

Altmer: I have news of the outer provinces
Guard: I don't wan't to talk about that
Altmer: Farewell
Guard: Any news of the outer provinces?

Intr-un tavern din Leyawiin

Il omor pe bar owner
Intra repede un guard inauntru
Se apleaca jos si zice: "This body is fresh, the killer must be near"
Vine la mine (inca mai aveam sabia scoasa afara) si ma intreaba daca nu cumva stiu cine il omorase
Hiroshima - 1945

Cernobyl - 1986

WTC New York - 2001

Oblivion - 2006


NPC1: Hy!
NPC2: Hello!
NPC1: Goodbye
NPC2: Bye

Asta chiar am auzit-o in anvil!
Dar e de-a dreptul hilar cand sunt se intalensc mai mult 2 npcuri. :))
"The problem of leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?"


mah macar vb intre ei, acu si voi :))
"I see a thousand graveyard planets and an eternity of hate and hunger."


QuoteMage #1: Grandmaster I have something of upmost importance to tell you
Grandmaster: Go ahead
Mage #1: Bye
Asta e pur si simplu bestial. :))  :))