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World of Warcraft

Started by N'drew, May 27, 2005, 08:21:51 AM

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July 14, 2006, 04:43:19 AM #180 Last Edit: July 14, 2006, 04:52:40 AM by Till
Quoteahem , triple post ftw. Please delete.
:D  la mine nu apare triplu

ontopic: am inceput cu Shamanul e de lvl 11  :D
doro69 am incercat sa te contactez si pe Agape de pe computergames.ro dar fara noroc :)
anyway ma apuc de Priest  :D

edit: mi-am ales skining  :D  m-am dus dupa multi jucatori, aia taiau tot ce prindeau si eu dadeam skining pe corpuri  :D  am facut 4 silver numai asa din prima, si e mult pt inceput  :o
me rich  :D  
The meaning of life is to give life meaning


July 14, 2006, 10:12:19 AM #181 Last Edit: July 14, 2006, 06:18:44 PM by doro69
chiar nu pot sa cred ca ma poate bate un popa pe shadow.. mai ales ca am Shadow Ward.. care-mi creste rezistentele la shadow FOARTE mult + Demon armour care mai creste si ala cate ceva shadow resistance. si inca nu am zis nimic de gear, observi ? De shadow damage chiar nu ma sperii .. Da, un rogue bine imracat + skill matura cu mine pe jos fara pet.. daca ma prinde cu succy + health stone facut + soul stone... pff.. nu cred ca ma bate..

edit: till, am aproape 100G .. si vreo 40G dati cu imprumut :D (alchemy+herbalism) .. iar pe mine ma gasesti seara (11-1:30)
Enter World of Warcraf: "33205 items, 249297 NPCs, 4525 quests, 2729 recipes, 1420 class skills and 2312367 profiles
Updated for this push: 32976 items, 17183 NPCs, 3676 quests, 1384 recipes"


Till daca esti hoarda dute in Ratchet si o iei pe merchant coast in sud...ajungi la niste pirati...acolo sunt 4 weapon crate-uri, 2 armor crate si cateva cufere...poti face bani usor doar stand acolo  pt k respawn-ul este mic si piratii slabi (lvl 13-15). Faci acolo ceva golzi pt inceput



You will melt faces


Un ghid destul de dragut ptr popi, vezi ce zice ala la inceput. E si o chestie de noroc. Warlockul poate bate SPul , SPul poate bate Warlockul.


pai mai devreme ziceai ca n-are adversar :) .. ti-am zis, bottom line: am prea mult shadow resis+shadow absorb ca sa imi fie frica de 1v1 shadow priest. acum.. ca se bate un shadow priest cu un lock pe demonology, da, matura cu el pe jos.. dar un lock pe SM/ruin chiar nu cred ca poate fi batut de un SP... astept totusi sa fac 60, sa am T2-3 pe mine si o sa revin cu impresii... momentan sterg cu ei pe jos :D
Enter World of Warcraf: "33205 items, 249297 NPCs, 4525 quests, 2729 recipes, 1420 class skills and 2312367 profiles
Updated for this push: 32976 items, 17183 NPCs, 3676 quests, 1384 recipes"


July 15, 2006, 12:48:12 PM #185 Last Edit: July 15, 2006, 12:49:58 PM by Black_Elf
Nu exista IMBA la propriu sau clasa sa nu aiba probleme dar de cele mai multe ori castiga. Threadul ala e dovada vie. You will melt faces. Am zis eu ca bate absolut orice, ce am vrut sa zic e ca nu e clasa sa bata SP constant.


July 19, 2006, 05:10:02 AM #186 Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 05:10:42 AM by Till
m-am facut Priest si imi place la nebunie :) singura problema e ca am crezut ca eu sunt incepator... ce m-am inselat... am intalnit cativa care aveau lvl 30 la caracter si varza... i feel not so noob now  :D
aa si ma enerveaza la maxim aia care tot striga "HEAL!!! PRIEST HEAL!!! de parca nu stiu care e lucrul meu... ma sacrific pentru ei, consum toata mana pe ei, fara sa dau heal pe mine si tot nu le convine... cred ca au un fel de macro setat cand ajung cu viata putina automat striga "HEAL"  :mda:
dar am invatat ceva, aia care striga "HEAL" automat ii dau afara din grup sau plec eu, caci nu merita sa-mi manc nervii
si da stiu cum sa joc cu Priest :)
The meaning of life is to give life meaning


July 19, 2006, 09:37:17 AM #187 Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 09:38:02 AM by Till
am gasit un post foarte bun, cum sa joci in grup cand ai si un Priest

acest post trebuie citit de toata lumea care joaca WoW
The meaning of life is to give life meaning


July 19, 2006, 09:42:48 AM #188 Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 09:43:25 AM by doro69
te deranjeaza cand striga heal ? :D sa vezi cand striga BANISH FFS, BANISHHH ... de parca eu nu stiu ca trebuie sa dau banish :D .. si inafara de asta sa vezi stres cand nu esti in grup.. si prmiesti pm "can u summon me please ?"
"NO" .. :D

trebuie sa baneze cuvintele heal, summon si banish, sunt prea stresanti :D
Enter World of Warcraf: "33205 items, 249297 NPCs, 4525 quests, 2729 recipes, 1420 class skills and 2312367 profiles
Updated for this push: 32976 items, 17183 NPCs, 3676 quests, 1384 recipes"



in special pentru keeper, dar cred ca toti avem cate ceva de invatat :)
Enter World of Warcraf: "33205 items, 249297 NPCs, 4525 quests, 2729 recipes, 1420 class skills and 2312367 profiles
Updated for this push: 32976 items, 17183 NPCs, 3676 quests, 1384 recipes"


Flying mounts revealed:

Nether Drakes

First look:

Less than twenty years ago, the orcs' former homeworld, Draenor, was ripped apart by the violent energies of several dimensional portals that tore the very fabric of the planet to pieces. This catastrophic event left Draenor a broken, shattered world that the survivors came to call Outland. To this day, some parts of Outland are still unreachable by foot or boat, floating eerily on the horizon as silent reminders of the terrible fate that befell Draenor. Yet the denizens of Outland have adapted and learned to harness some of the indigenous species as flying mounts, allowing adventurers to reach even the most remote and dangerous regions of this wild, untamed world.

One of the most exciting new features of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade will be the introduction of a new kind of mount that will provide players with unprecedented freedom to explore the world of Outland from an entirely new perspective. After reaching level 70, players will eventually be able to obtain a flying mount for their characters. Outland is home to incredibly varied and exotic fauna, and the sentient inhabitants of this world have trained several unique creatures as flying mounts. Both Horde and Alliance will have their own special type of mount, but there are also mounts that will be extremely rare even among the most powerful characters. The nether drake is one of these.

With flying mounts, players will be able to take to the skies, to soar among the crimson clouds of Hellfire Peninsula or watch as Nagrand's sea of grass swaying in the breeze far below as they make their way to new lands. Players will have full control over their flying mounts, allowing them to roam the skies and freely explore all regions of Outland. In fact, certain areas of Outland will only be accessible by air, as some parts of the ruined world are floating out in the void, unreachable except by those who command one of Outland's flying creatures.
A few of these "unlockable" areas are actually located near some of the lower-level regions of Outland; a player's journey will take them through the Dark Portal to the very ends of Outland and finally back to where they started, thus completing the circle ââ,¬â€œ but now they will be able to access regions that were previously only viewable from a distance. Some dungeons also feature wings that can't be reached without a flying mount, and this should provide players with a profound sense of advancement after having gained considerable experience, new abilities, and powerful weapons and armor. In a way, the flying mount represents the most tangible accomplishment of a character's progress up to level 70, but it also serves as a key to the content that awaits players beyond the maximum level.
Near the end of the Second War, the black dragon Deathwing traveled through the Dark Portal to Draenor. Believing the world to be a relatively safe haven for his offspring, he secreted away a cache of black dragon eggs. Following the war, Nerââ,¬â,,¢zhul recklessly opened multiple portals on Draenor, and the magical stress tore the planet apart. The energies released in this catastrophe altered Deathwingââ,¬â,,¢s eggs, resulting in the nether drakes: partially corporeal and partially ethereal dragons who possess the ability to shift between the astral and physical planes. Without Deathwingââ,¬â,,¢s guidance, these otherworldly nether drakes are just now finding their own way among the blasted ruins of Outland.

Lift off:

ll flying mounts have the ability to fly one rider wherever he or she may want to go in Outland, but that doesnââ,¬â,,¢t mean that flying is the only thing these mounts are capable of. Every flying mount can also run on the ground just like regular mounts can.
While walking, the nether drake behaves exactly like a regular mount, but its speed is at least as fast as that of the faster epic land mounts. And when the nether drake lifts off the ground, its rider can freely explore the distant lands of Outland.

Handling the nether drake and all the other flying mounts is simple. The controls while on the ground work just like the standard controls. To switch from running to flying, just start running and then press the jump key to lift off. At this point the nether drake will start flying at a low altitude, and the controls now change slightly.
Flying your nether drake is like swimming in the air ââ,¬â€œ you have complete freedom over which direction you want to go. An alternative way to start flying is by simply running off a high ledge that would normally send your mount into a fall; the nether drake will reflexively spread its wings to avoid a clumsy plummet and instead start hovering in the air until you tell it where to go.

There are several ways to get back on the ground. The easiest way is to simply dismount, but that may not be the best idea when you are flying at a high altitude or crossing the void. A safer (and much more graceful) way is to swoop down and touch the ground to land.
Enter World of Warcraf: "33205 items, 249297 NPCs, 4525 quests, 2729 recipes, 1420 class skills and 2312367 profiles
Updated for this push: 32976 items, 17183 NPCs, 3676 quests, 1384 recipes"


Am citit de mica ta neintelegere cu Keeper (cu care intamplator m-am intalnit de cateva ori). A spune ca WoW este mai bun ca Guild Wars e stupid, e ca si cum ai compara mere cu pere. In primul rand Guild Wars nici nu e clasificat ca Mmorpg e considerat Corpg. Sistemul de PVP din Guild Wars este de 10000000 ori mai misto decat cel din WoW, pt ca de asta e facut jocul , pentru PvP. Eu am jucat si GW si mi-a placut destul de mult doar ca nu am avut rabdare sa deblochez toate skillurile de PvP , sunt sigur ca daca as fi avut nu as fi jucat WoW acum.  Din motive financiare (nu am avut bani de Factions) acum nu mai joc GW


July 21, 2006, 04:54:53 PM #192 Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 07:47:08 AM by doro69
ciudat, ign spune ca e MMORPG http://pc.ign.com/objects/789/789078.html#features

faptul ca intradevar NU este un MMORP a fost cea mai mare dezamagire a mea legata de acest joc, care a zburat dupa 2-3 zile de la mine din calculator.
Mica neintelegere a pornit de la el(keeper), eu nu am facut decat sa dau un motiv pentru care am renuntat la jocul asta, din pacate motivul era  chiar wow... si am observat ca se aprind foarte repede jucatorii de gw cand zici ceva de joc, pana la urma eram pe threadul de wow si am dat un motiv oamenilor sa joace wow, nu sa se lase de gw, mkay ?

intradevar, nu se pot compara jocurile. complexitatea din wow este de neatins la ora actuala.. povestea, lore-ul si gameplay-ul este de nota 10. In acest joc nu depinzi de jucatori overpowered care nu baga in seama decat jucatori de seama lor, aici nu depinzi de ghilda, aici poti avea personalitate!!!!111111111oneoneone..

go get factions and join dudele mici, mari, mijlocii, perele, merele si ce alte guilde mai sunt pe acolo ;) aici vorbim de MMORPG :)

ps: nu lua nimic din ce am zis ca o insulta, nu asta a fost, a fost doar o explicatie :p

revenind la topic :D Paladini la Hoarda si shamani la Alianta :)

Aswe draw closer to the release of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, more of the secrets shrouding the draenei and blood elves are being revealed. In the upcoming expansion, players will finally be able to play classes that were previously unavailable to their faction: the blood elves have harnessed the power of the Light for their own needs, supporting the Horde with renegade blood elf paladins. Meanwhile, the draenei have been granted the wisdom and strength of the elements, and some among the newest members of the Alliance now follow the path of the shaman. Read on to learn more about the new class combinations available to players of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.
Stealing the Light

rince Kaelââ,¬â,,¢thas Sunstrider and his blood elves waited until the newly arrived naaru departed Tempest Keep. He had little interest in what the naaru hoped to accomplish on this shattered world: it was Tempest Keep that had brought him here. At the prince's signal the elves stormed the dimensional fortress, quickly defeating its automated defenses and claiming its satellite structures. The only real threat the elves discovered was a lone naaru who had stayed behind to maintain the keep's defenses. With some difficulty, Kaelââ,¬â,,¢thas subdued the energy being and sent it to Quelââ,¬â,,¢Thalas so that the magic-addicted blood elves could feed upon it.
Back in the capital city of Silvermoon, Magister Astalor Bloodsworn was not content with this idea. After long months of study and experimentation, he and his fellow wizards learned how to manipulate and corrupt the naaruââ,¬â,,¢s luminous energies. In the end the wizards devised a process by which the powers of the Light could be transferred to recipients who had not earned such abilities. Instead of feeding upon the naaru's magic, the blood elves would wield the naaru's Light-given powers themselves.

Lady Liadrin, formerly a priestess, had recently renounced her vows, for she felt the Light had abandoned her people. She learned of the wizards' achievement and volunteered to be the first to bend the stolen powers to her will. With her decision a new order was born: the Blood Knights. These renegade paladins are able to harness the sacred powers of the Allianceââ,¬â,,¢s noblest heroes.
Most members of the Blood Knights were once part of the Royal Guard--proud defenders of high elven society who came to believe that the Light had failed them in their hour of greatest need. They see their appropriation of the captive naaru's powers as well-deserved justice.

Although Warchief Thrall and High Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof openly opposed the blood elvesââ,¬â,,¢ methods, they recognized the Blood Knightsââ,¬â,,¢ strategic value. Indeed, it is likely that the group figured heavily in the Horde's ultimate decision to offer membership to the blood elves.

Blood elf paladins have swiftly grown confident in their borrowed abilities. Nevertheless, as even the most inexperienced mage will attest, when powerful forces are manipulated against their intended purpose...

The consequences can be perilous.

in recent years, Velen, the noble leader of the draenei, was granted a vision...
In it he saw the Broken: formerly healthy draenei who had devolved during the orcs' murderous crusade to wipe out the draenei race. According to Velen's vision, the Broken would rise to power once again and aid their displaced brethren.

Velenââ,¬â,,¢s vision was given substance in the form of Nobundo, a one-time draenei priest who had devolved while the orcs decimated his race and tore the planet apart. Like his fellow Broken, Nobundo had lost contact with the Light, and so he ventured far into the deserts of Outland to meditate and pray for guidance.

After decades of silence, an unfamiliar voice finally answered his prayers. It was not the Light that whispered to him, but the wind. The breeze spoke to him of lost truths, of the might of the elements--of the delicate balance of power embraced by the shaman.

Nobundo listened eagerly and learned all he could. When he judged the time was right, he departed the desert determined to use this knowledge to help the draenei race. However, most draenei refugees greeted the sight of a Broken with skepticism and outright prejudice. Only one of the healthy draenei did not shun the Broken: the wise and perceptive Velen.

Velen had heard the philosophy of the shaman before, but Nobundo revealed new truths. The elements were timeless; they stretched across the cosmos to inhabit every world they touched. With the proper training, the draenei might learn to wield this overlooked, seemingly inexhaustible source of power.
Velen rejoiced to realize that his vision was coming to pass. Accordingly he took Nobundo with him when he and his fellow refugees took possession of the naaru satellite structure Exodar from the blood elves. Thus it was that Nobundo journeyed with the draenei to the world of Azeroth.

Nobundo found that unlike the desolate wastes of Outland, Azeroth possessed abundant elemental energies. He shared his knowledge of shamanism with the draenei on Azeroth, and all who adopted its path flourished.

The time for the draenei shaman to test themselves draws near, for the battle against the Burning Legion is once again at hand. And the fate not only of Azeroth, but of all worlds, hangs in the balance.

Enter World of Warcraf: "33205 items, 249297 NPCs, 4525 quests, 2729 recipes, 1420 class skills and 2312367 profiles
Updated for this push: 32976 items, 17183 NPCs, 3676 quests, 1384 recipes"


E stupid , nu imi place chestia cu Shamani si Paladini la factiunile opuse, pur si simplu s-a stricat toata frumusetea. Asa Alianta avea un avantaj in PvE , Paladini fiind super bufferi iar Hoarda un avantaj in PvP unde Shamani sunt destul de buni, acuma poti sa zici ca s-a echilibrat  dar ala era tot farmecul , acum care o sa fie diferenta intre factiuni? Locul si atat.
Presimt o multitudine de BE Pally si Draenei Shammy
Cat despre flying mounts , da suna bine.

off: Stai linistit ca prefer WoW peste GW pentru ca nu necesita asa multa rabdare, si am fost in Dude de la inceput de prin beta test ;). Apropo cred ca ar fi bine sa lasi atitudinea de wow fanboi cum ca e de neatins  sunt 2 jocuri diferite cu scopuri diferite si nu poti sa le compari. Ca daca o iei asa poti sa spui ca PvPul din WOW e un fel de pong comparat cu cel din GW.l


Se anunta timpuri grele pt hoarda...o multime de copii de 10 ani iubitori de anime si elfi vor juca BE Paladin ...mda


Patch 1.12 aduce noutati :)

Outdoor PvP Objectives
The next patch for World of Warcraft will include significant new updates to PvP gameplay. One of these updates is the addition of two outdoor world PvP objectives. Although details of these features are subject to change during development, weââ,¬â,,¢d like to provide you with a general idea of what to expect.

A Game of Towers

   In the wake of the recent Scourge invasion, the Eastern Plaguelands of Lordaeron have gained new strategic importance in the ongoing struggle between the powers of Azeroth. Naxxramas looms on the horizon, and the Scourge is preparing to move once again. The floating necropolis is a clear threat to all of Azeroth, but the presence of one of the Scourgeââ,¬â,,¢s most important agents also provides a great opportunity to those willing to take the fight to the heart of the undead war machine. With this goal in mind, the Horde and Alliance are now vying for control over strategic points in the Eastern Plaguelands.

   Four towers are crucial to establishing complete strategic control over the Eastern Plaguelands: Crown Guard Tower to the south, Eastwall Tower near Lightââ,¬â,,¢s Hope Chapel, Northpass Tower to the north, and Plaguewood Tower in the northwest. Capturing these towers works very much like a tug-of-war. Control over a tower shifts depending on which faction has more characters with an active PvP flag in the towerââ,¬â,,¢s direct vicinity. This means that in order to gain control, you need to see to it that there are more members of your own faction present, and you should also hunt down and slay members of the opposite faction to ensure that your side keeps the upper hand.

   For each tower that your faction holds, all members of your faction in the Eastern Plaguelands will receive a buff due to the strategic control over the area. Your faction's spell and melee damage against undead enemies is increased by one percent for each tower you control.

The Silithyst Must Flow

   In faraway Silithus, geysers of a strange red crystalline dust have started to appear in the desert. Both the Alliance and the Horde have taken an interest in this new substance, which is called silithyst, and researchers on both sides have discovered unique and valuable properties in the dust. The Horde and Alliance camps in the region have both been outfitted with turn-in stations where adventurers can unload the silithyst they collect.

   There are two methods for collecting silithyst. The most obvious one is to simply pick it up from a geyser. A character can carry only one load of silithyst at a time, so whenever you collect some silithyst, you should immediately return to your factionââ,¬â,,¢s encampment. Nevertheless, be careful: the dustââ,¬â,,¢s glow makes you very easy to spot, and the silithyst automatically makes you a target for members of the opposite faction. Until you turn in the silithyst you are carrying, an enemy can slay you and pick up the dust you drop in death. Of course, this enemy in turn becomes a target.

   Once either the Alliance or the Horde has acquired enough silithyst, that faction's base will send off a full shipment of the dust, and the count for both factions will be reset. All members of the winning faction in Silithus will receive a buff, and the race for the precious silithyst will begin
Enter World of Warcraf: "33205 items, 249297 NPCs, 4525 quests, 2729 recipes, 1420 class skills and 2312367 profiles
Updated for this push: 32976 items, 17183 NPCs, 3676 quests, 1384 recipes"


Cat sunteti in stare sa dati pentru tome of greter experience?
(a se nota ca trebuie sa fiti din Iasi)
Some races are good and some are bad,but none are as good as the half-elf's.CIUDA!!!


am ajuns in sfarsit la lvl 30  :D  :cheers:
pana la urma m-am intors la Warlock, dupa ce am dus vreo 6 caractere pana la 16-17  :D

am auzit ca din 1.12 se inbunatateste LifeTap, va fii influentat de +dmg gear
The meaning of life is to give life meaning


world of warcraft e, dupa parerea mea, cel mai tare mmorpg inventat vreodata, dupa el urmand, desigur, guildwars...ce imi place cel mai mult la acest joc? tot...deci jocul e PERFECTIUNEA in persoana. la inceput acum...1 an sau 2...cred ca 2...un coleg mi-a zis: "hai ma, incearca sa joci wow ca e spuer tare".eu i'am zis(nu-mi vine sa cred ca i-am zis asta):"sigur e o porcarie"...pana la urma am fost la o sala de net si l-am jucat...de atucni sunt innebunit dupa jocul acesta...mi l-am tras de pe retea acum 1 an si am inceput sa joc pe servere private...acum vreau sa-mi cumpar wow original si sa incep sa joc pe un server din europa de asemenea original...chiar daca trebuie sa platesc...din cate am auzit si am citit prin reviste de jocuri, diferenta dintre gamplay-ul de pe serverele originale si cele private e de la cer la pamant...aceasta...sintagma sa-i zic asa m-a determinat sa cumpar jocul...acum nu prea am bani...asa k o sa le cer parintilor de craciun jocul + plata lunara....sau poate mai devreme cu 1 luna...2....hai 3...GATA IL IAU MAINE :D....glumeam....
   nu stiu ce sa mai zic de wow....e un joc adevarat si atata tot....

This is no kind of life (You can't blame me)


Nu imi mai aduce aminte de orignial >_>. Tipu de la care aveam jocu+cont l-a vandut(dreptul lui....). Iar am ramas cu privatele in brate :(( . Dar daca e sa cumpar un joc imi iau guild wars acum. Am "cam" terminat toate queturile H&A si in afara de pvp nu  mai am ce face. Iar pvp-ul de pe private e jalnic. Locku, priestu, rogue-u, mage-u probabil cele mai tare clase in pvp de pe official pe privat o iau de la toti.

Fear nu merge bine, Shadoform ciuciu, mage-u are crit de maxim 2300....la rogue nu merge stealthu...si asta spune tot :(. Shamanu e over-powered. Warrioru iar e bun (warrioru...care SUGE pe official). Iar hunteru e o clasa excelenta in pvp....Io tin minte ca mergeam cu shamanu si terminam cam toate instantele singur. desigur asta cand nu vin inamicii prin perete. Pe private nu exista ziduri....sunt doar de forma si nu poti decat playeru sa treaca prin ele. mobi n-au nici o treaba.

Lagu e legendar. Pe un privat mergi cu un warrior,un priest, si un warlock si termini bwl. Sau mai simplu te duci si pui bosi sa se bata intre ei si tu iei lootu de la amandoi.

Merg sub 50& din talente&skills&spells

Si asta pe cele mai bine servere "blizzlike" de alea cu 99999x exp&drop nu mai vorbesc.
RPG-ish signature.