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Started by Ktav, May 27, 2005, 07:24:59 AM

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Hai ca am vazut si io cele doua filme mai noi. Pacat de calitatea grafica si rezolutia foarte scazuta a acestora.  In rest nu prea arata multe lucruri noi.   :(  
Nerevar Moon-an-Star
----------Old name: Dan--------


Quoteapropo de filmul de mai sus, luati'l ca nu stiti ce pierdeti :)
mai sunt 2 filme pe IGN si inca 4 pe un pinned thread din forumrile oficiale, dar is de proasta calitate

Calitatea Video - Proasta
Features - Neterminate, desi tot sunt prezentate

is neofficiale, de aceea ma abtin sa va dau linkuri catre ele :D
Hiroshima - 1945

Cernobyl - 1986

WTC New York - 2001

Oblivion - 2006


QuoteInainte sa vad filmuletul de 20 de minute eu sincer chiar nu creadam sa fie posibil lucrul cu radiant A.I.

Hai ca am vazut si io cele doua filme mai noi. In rest nu prea arata multe lucruri noi.   :(
1. Este foarte possibil, sunt unele computere care au o intteligenta mai mare decat ne putem imagina, RAI este mic copil fata de ele, insa ele nu sunt folosite in jocuri, ci in razboi :D

2. RAI nu o sa fie exact cum a fost in video, cred ca iti dai seama ca video a fost modificat putin, in nici un caz un NPC nu o sa

- citeasca o carte
- incerce sa traga cu arcul
- foloseste un "increase marksman" potion
- mananca
- da mancare cainelui
- doarme
- isi paralizeaza cainele
- isi arde cainele  :hmm:

In mai putin de 5 minute, asta le va face mai incetu :p

3. Nu prea insa acuma stim cum arata Stats List, care ma impresionat putin :)
Hiroshima - 1945

Cernobyl - 1986

WTC New York - 2001

Oblivion - 2006


OMG! Romanian_Dude, ce faci omule. :)
Io mi-s himself de pe orumul Elder Scrolls :D


QuoteOMG! Romanian_Dude, ce faci omule. :)
Io mi-s himself de pe orumul Elder Scrolls :D
stiu, din cauza aceea am intra si eu la voi :p - nu-mi da nimeni un fishy stick? :D
Hiroshima - 1945

Cernobyl - 1986

WTC New York - 2001

Oblivion - 2006


*gives RD2k5 a Fishy Stick*

De ce tre sa ai nikul asa lung? :D


Nerevar Moon-an-Star
----------Old name: Dan--------


January 20, 2006, 07:09:21 PM #47 Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 07:09:37 PM by Red
Iar l-au amanat 24 martie... jocu asta numa nu vrea s-a apara...
"The problem of leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?"


lasa mah, mai bine sa il faca calumea decat sa asteptam dupa aia dupa patchuri ca nu ne merge... plus ca mai avem timp de upgrade :D
"I see a thousand graveyard planets and an eternity of hate and hunger."


QuoteCOUNTDOWN TO OBLIVION ENDS MARCH 242K Games confirms release date for hotly anticipated PC and Xbox 360 RPG Elder Scrolls IV
14:54 We spied a few rumours creeping around the internet earlier today suggesting RPG Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was due to whip out its UK and European broadsword on March 24, which prompted us to put a quick call in to Oblivion's Euro handler 2K Games for confirmation.

It turns out it's all true, a spokesperson for the company giving a big thumbs up to the date for both PC and Xbox 360 versions of the hotly anticipated sequel. So it's March 24 - unless something disastrous happens. Like a giant kebab striking the Earth and returning us to the Ice Age.


QuoteTo follow up on such an unexpected development, we contacted Bethesda's VP of Public Relations and Marketing Pete Hines, who firmly denied any sort of release date specification had been made. "Our date is still early 2006," says Mr. Hines. When we asked when a concrete release date might actually be announced, Mr. Hines responded, "We'll let folks know when we're %99.99 sure [Oblivion] would be out on that date. We don't want to miss it by a day.


QuoteIf it's not on the Main Page, it's not true



era o data rezonabila, asa poate sa fie si mai tarziu... :stupid:
"I see a thousand graveyard planets and an eternity of hate and hunger."


Daca producatorii il mai tin in productie pentru optmizare ii felicit! Nu de alta dar e bine ca se gandesc si la "bietii" gameri care nu au rachete pe post de calculatoare....
Nerevar Moon-an-Star
----------Old name: Dan--------


Hiroshima - 1945

Cernobyl - 1986

WTC New York - 2001

Oblivion - 2006


Yummy..fan interview..astea is tari de tot :)


Third Fan Interview Sumary

    [size=8][/li][li]NPCs and guards will stop to examine dead bodies that they come across. They’ll kneel down and express their sorrow or wonder at the sight[/li][li]You can drag bodies around using the â€Ã...“Grabâ€Ã, button, but it’s a slow process as bodies are heavy[/li][li]You can't distract or lead NPCs through traps using sounds (such has firing an arrow towards rock)[/li][li]The shininess of your clothing does not affect your detection chances (but sound that comes from moving about will)[/li][li]The camouflage of dens forests will reduce the chance of NPCs detecting you.[/li][li]Guards will regularly patrol the willderness roads as well, making committing crimes outside of towns a bit more tricky.[/li][/list]Radiant Artificial Intteligence and NPCs
    • Creatures and animals will fight between eachother in the willderness
    • In ceratin factions there are "continuing Charracter" which you meet several times throughout the questline and can be influenced by your actions, such has going on quests with them and alter their paths through the game
    • All adventuring NPCs will not progress through a dungeon, unless you enter the dungeon and meet/help them
    • NPCs will take note and coment towards the actions your carracter has made
    • The persuasion minigame is very different and complex from what was shown at E3
    • Each of the four quadrants will fill with wedges of different sizes which reflects the scale of the potential effect of your choosing an action. Choosing a large wedge has a great effect; choosing a small wedge has a small effect. The potential gain or loss for each action is based on your Speechcraft.
    • For each of the four actions (Joke, Admire, Boast, Bully), he will Love one, Like one, Dislike one, and Hate one
    • The person 's disposition is steadily falling while you ezitate your chooice of persuation
    • We can't influence animals through speechcraft (ala Daggerfall)
    • You will see NPCs traveling along the roads to different cities, such has traders, adventurers, caravans, nobles
    • There are many more places with dialog choices than there were in Morrowind.
    Carracter Creation
    • All the NPCs share the same basic body meshes, with different textures and normal maps distinguishing the races
    Combat and Magic
    • The whole system of spell points has been completely rebalanced and the numbers from Morrowind bear little to no bearing on the numbers for Oblivion
    • Warriors are weaker then in Morrowind and Mages are far more powerfull then in Morrowind
    • The Reanimation spell will lift the NPCs body off the ground, hang it in the air a moment, then return it to the ground to become your servant
    • Only the recently dead can be reanimated
    • No Levitation
    On Factions and Quests
    • Players can buy equipment and receive training at a "special price" from his guild-members
    • The Thieves Guild maintains a network of fences that allow the player to sell their stolen goods
    • Getting to the top of the guild can unlock certain recurring benefits such as monthly stipends of gold or equipment, or the use of special plot-centric equipment.
    • Not all guilds allow you to kick/recrute members, such has the Dark Brotherhood, which is a "Brotherhood"
    • There are several quests where you’re offered a moral choicem, for instance, whether to trust a guard’s version of a story vs. a citizen calling the guard corrupt
    • Past actions from quests or independent activities may also come back to haunt you. Like a murder for example
    • There’s a point in the main quest where you’re tasked with marshalling armies from each of the counts of Cyrodiil to help in a large-scale battle. If you’ve made them angry through other quests, they may disagree to provide aid.
    About Water
    • There is far less water in Cyrodiil than in Morrowind
    • Slaughterfishes are in
    • Some land creatures are capable of swimming
    • There are different water types and effects, ex. waves, stormy wheater, waterfall effects, etc. but they don't effect your carracter, they are just visual
    • Rivers don't flow
    • The water relfects the sorrounding terrain, even far and distant objects like cities
    • Mountains, cities and rocks get reflected, but trees and grass don't
    • Some objects will either float or sink into the water, depending on their weight
    • There is a special neck bitting animation for feeding
    • You can feed on sleeping NPCs
    • Like in Morrowind the disease has a cure, so there will be no "epidemics"
    • Vampires are much more stronger then in Morrowind
    • Vampires have a invisibility ability that they will engage at will in combat to pop out of sight, only to emerge behind you in full attack.
    Wheater and Inviroment
    • exterior wheater effects, such has lighting, don't effect the the interrior cell (ex. windows won't flash, you won't hear thunder, etc.)
    Havok and RagdollPsyhics
    • No Cloth Psyhics
    • Enemies will not be harmed by thrown objects, this means telekinesis too
    • All Daedra Gods and several realms will be present in Oblivion, but only 1 will have a major role (Mehrunes Dagon)
    • ALOT more info about daedric culture and motivation will be present in the games lore colection
    • No dragons
    • No Dwemers in Oblivion
    The Costruction Set and MODs
    • objects (references) can now be used as variables and much more.
    • The Scripting Languege is even better this time and it interacts whit the hole game
    • You can make characters that don’t share dialog with others, to avoid the voice-acting problem for mods
    • The scripting editor is the same has in Morrowind whit little improovements
    • Animations can now be easily moded whit a special editor section and does not require heavy scripting
    • You can't add new weapons types whit the CS
    • You can't add new skills whit the CS
    • Alpha maps are supported and both NIF and DDS are the file types used for meshes and textures
    • No 3DMax flex modifier
    • Bethesda Softworks will charge small amounts of money for official mods, depending on their content
    • The editor can be used to create different water effects (for oceans, lakes, rivers, waterfalls etc.)
    • Bodies can be scaled uniformly and non-uniformly in the game, but we do not do any body morphing and don’t support that functionality.
    Hiroshima - 1945

    Cernobyl - 1986

    WTC New York - 2001

    Oblivion - 2006


    February 01, 2006, 10:15:54 PM #55 Last Edit: February 01, 2006, 10:17:39 PM by doro69
    Oblivion Cuts Down The Graphics

    QuoteUp â€ËÅ"till now, Oblivion has always been praised for its promising graphics. Well, not anymore. The first shadow of a doubt spreads quickly over the Net: it’s not gonna be as beautiful as you thought. Ironically or not, this whole issue has something to do with the shadows in the game.
    ÂÃ,   According to EvilAvatar (which got this info form the [H]ard|OCP) forums) Bethesda decided to remove all the soft shadows and a good chunk of the lighting effects from the final version of the game. The reason was quite simple: they slowed it down.
    ÂÃ,   Thus, no more extra visual candies for those of you who had powerful systems. Bethesda says it will replace these features by using another technique, yet the damage has been done: it won’t look as beautiful as before. For the moment, this affects only the PC version of the game, but it’s hard to believe they won’t do the same with Oblivion for Xbox 360. Oh joy!
    Enter World of Warcraf: "33205 items, 249297 NPCs, 4525 quests, 2729 recipes, 1420 class skills and 2312367 profiles
    Updated for this push: 32976 items, 17183 NPCs, 3676 quests, 1384 recipes"


    Cerintele de sistem anuntate oficial:

    3 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
    1 GB System RAM
    ATI X800 series, Nvidia GeForce 6800 series, or higher video card

    Minimum System Requirements:
    Windows XP
    512MB System RAM
    2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
    128MB Direct3D compatible video card
    and DirectX 9.0 compatible driver;
    8x DVD-ROM drive
    4.6 GB free hard disk space
    DirectX 9.0c (included)
    DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
    Keyboard, Mouse

    Supported Video Card Chipsets:
    ATI X1800 series
    ATI X1300 series
    ATI X850 series
    ATI x800 series
    ATI x700 series
    ATI x600 series
    ATI Radeon 9800 series
    ATI Radeon 9700 series
    ATI Radeon 9600 series
    ATI Radeon 9500 series
    ATI Radeon 9000 series
    NVIDIA Geforce 7800 series
    NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series
    NVIDIA GeForce FX series
    Nerevar Moon-an-Star
    ----------Old name: Dan--------


    February 14, 2006, 08:52:12 PM #57 Last Edit: February 14, 2006, 09:27:06 PM by Bogy

    mi se pare mie, sau jocul parca e mai mult un FPS decat RPG :(
    Hiroshima - 1945

    Cernobyl - 1986

    WTC New York - 2001

    Oblivion - 2006


    imi plac enorm bataile din Oblivion si pentru mine acest lucru e un bonus mare. singurul lucru care nu mi-a placut din Morrowind au fost bataile... pur si simplu erau de groaza... dar vad si in acest clip(si in altele) ca s-a lucrat intens la partea asta  :good:  
    The meaning of life is to give life meaning


    Jocul este Gold si va iesi pe 20 martie :)
    Nerevar Moon-an-Star
    ----------Old name: Dan--------